Central Database System for Medicines. The system contains information for medicine including medicine name, barcode, serial number, expiration date, price and customs data.
NOTE: The screenshots below may differ depending on your country due to the regulatories.

- Only registered and active agents are authorized to log in
- Secure with SSL/TLS Ciphers Support
- HOME button is to go to IMEI Query page
- Upload button is to upload IMEI numbers which agent is going to querying.
- Report button is to get report for agent bases
- Capture button is to get screenshot of after completing query
- When click on an any IMEI on the left table, the number is going to be entered automatically to the query page. So it is not possible to make any typo mistake by agents

Import Data
- Import file should be an Excel File with XLSX extension
- Each cell format containing IMEI number is Number, not String or anything else
- Includes the following information: Agent, Query Date, Status, Source etc.
- Daily query qty per agent
- Graphical representation possible

- Data is kept in database on a server
- Filtering IMEI number possible to get details
- All details provided by eGovernment is kept in database
- String parsing is adapted to get Marketing name and Model

- Screenshot can be kept both in file system or the database
- Image is compressed with JPEG algorithm
NOTE: This page may contain references to products that are not available in your country. Please contact us to check the availability of these products in your country.